Clockwork VFX


Shots of the New Office

Although not yet fully unpacked, but still enjoying ourselves, we thought we would share some quick photos of the new offices. As you can see, there is still a lot of space to fill up :)

4 Comments to Shots of the New Office

  1. Penny's Gravatar Penny
    March 4, 2010 at 17:31

    Congratulations Guys ! It looks so Big. I will definately have to come out & see it in person. I’m don’t see the fish & plants hope they haven’t been put up for adoption.
    I know it’s early days so I will keep checking.

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  2. penny's Gravatar penny
    March 5, 2010 at 14:53

    We are sending you an imaginary bouquet of flowers to… Wish you much Success, Wealth, & many many more clients knocking on the doors :} :]

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  3. Yasush's Gravatar Yasush
    April 21, 2010 at 23:33

    so many new stuff, website,new office and hopefully new people with new talent !
    very good to see you growing.
    keep it up

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